Copyright Statement

By God’s grace and through Christ’s manifold wisdom, in the midst of darkness and hardship, and despite the many materials confiscated, seized, or banned by Chinese authorities, we established the Wang Yi Library. This library primarily includes Pastor Wang Yi’s writings, sermons, recordings, videos, photos, and more. Regarding Pastor Wang Yi’s own intellectual property, he has made the following statement, and thus the library also waives all rights to intellectual property. For reproducing, republishing, or distributing content from the library, please credit the source.

For other authors’ works hosted in the library, please respect their rights as declared; if no specific rights are stated, kindly credit the source and provide a link to the original work. If you believe any content in the library infringes upon your rights, please contact us via email, and we will promptly remove it upon confirmation.

The following is Pastor Wang Yi’s statement:

I waive all copyright on my writings, as the essence conveyed by these words does not belong to me. Any individual, church, or organization is free to republish, excerpt, recite, copy, print, translate, perform, and distribute or use them in any form. However, there is one condition: I bear full responsibility for these words, and proper attribution should be given upon redistribution. This is not a right but a basic duty of the writer and publisher, as these words did not descend directly from heaven. The credit for what is true belongs to God, while the blame for any errors lies with me. So, I ask for your grace, for the only thing I cannot relinquish is the opportunity to be forgiven by the precious blood.

May God use all the spiritual resources left by Pastor Wang Yi to bless each of you! Glory be to the Lord!

Wang Yi Library
June 1, 2021